Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week 3 question

Best Job in the World

In 2009 CumminsNitro, a Brisbane-based advertising agency won multiple awards
across the international media landscape for their groundbreaking campaign for Tourism Queensland: Best Job in the World. The campaign was unique in the way it harnessed traditional media advertising (positions vacant advertising) and linked this with various kinds of social media interactivity. Through inviting video applications the campaign utilised what Bruns calls “produsage” and others have called “crowdsourcing”. It also made sophisticated use of the viral connectivity that can result from online social networking. Then, once the social media success became newsworthy, the campaign also benefited from the traditional current affairs media attention, amplifying the overall impact and effect. This campaign continues to attract attention through a blog maintained by the successful applicant.

The various types of advertising media used in this campaign was.

  • Viral Video
  • Online recruitment ads
  • Applicant videos
  • Online banners
  • Branded Twitter
  • Branded Facebook
  • Youtube Channel
  • Online banners
  • Website
Out of these media channels the ones that where interactive where application videos, branded Twitter, branded Facebook, Youtube and the main website.

The YouTube application videos became interactive because the general public could view the applications. They could then leave comments and 'Like' the the applications through YouTube.

The Branded Facebook was interactive because the general public could use Facebooks 'Like' feature. Once someone uses the 'Like' feature it spreads through all their contacts Facebook accounts. People can and also follow the Facebook page and leave comments.

Again with Twitter people could follow and leave comments similar to Facebook and YouTube. Twitter can be classed as a scaled down version of Facebook and is commonly used through smart phones. The unique feature of Twitter is that posts (or Tweets as they are called on the site) are limited to 140 characters which means that a message has to be very direct to the point. This helped the campaign keep in touch with its audience through their phones on the go.

Finally all these media chanels where tided together with the campaigns main website (last accessed 31/7/11). This became the central portal for each of the media channels mentioned above. The site also had a voting system where the public could vote for the video application that they liked the best.

Below is an example of the site's voting system

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